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2019 Hull City Tigers U13 and U15 are signed in for Nørhalne Elite Cup 2019

Von: Per Jeppesen - 08-11-2018 10:00


We really welcome them back in our elite Cup. Hull City Tigers from the Northern England who took part in Nørhalne Eloite cup in 2018 want to come back for 2019 - they were really pleased and satisfied with our tournament and the quality in play and stay. We look forward to welcome Hull City Tigers FC in U13 and U15 



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Nørhalne Cup

Der Nørhalne Cup legt wert darauf, dass viel Fußball gespielt wird und dass man Spieler aus vielen Nationen kennenlernt.

Idrætsforeningen FREMAD Nørhalne
Gustav Zimmersvej 27, Nørhalne
9430 Vadum


Kontaktieren uns bitte um Weitere Informationen, Prospekt oder Anmeldung.

  +45 4040 3856

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